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HOME > Seminars for the Year > Training & Exchange Programs in 2024 FY

Training & Exchange Programs in 2024 FY

Seminars in Japan

Name of Training ProgramWhen to start
Developed Market Oriented Export Promotion Strategy/Marketing Strategy (A)June
Technical Training in Japan for the Promotion of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in the Republic of Cuba June
Small and Medium Enterprise Development Policies(A)June-July
Myanmar Japan Human Resource Development Center (MJC) Keieijuku Business Training TourJuly
Human Resource Development for Creating Tourism Destination for Sustainable Tourism
- Transforming sustainable tourism to foster community development-
Investment Promotion and Business Environment Reform (A)September-October
Local Industry Promotion by Cluster Approach (C)October-November
Small and Medium Enterprise Development Policies (B)November-December
The 45th KANKEIREN ASEAN Management Seminar 2024December
Investment Promotion and Business Environment Reform (B)2025January-February
Training for Vietnamese leaders of Japanese companiesJuly
Basic training for Vietnamese employees of Japanese companiesOctober
Ritsumeikan University Master's Program in Economic Development​ SME Promotion SeminarSeptember
Professional Training : Japanese Business Management Field Tour,Ritsumeikan University Graduate school of International RelationsSeptember
Ayabe Field Study Tour, Ritsumeikan University Graduate school of International RelationsNovember
Professional Training : Kyoto City Government Study Program, Ritsumeikan University Graduate school of International Relations2025January-February

Seminars overseas

Not held

Training & Exchange Programs